MC Hammer Dance off
I just got back from an amazing and incredibly intense week in Korea. I taught from 9 am to 7 pm every day. After which was dinner and far too many rounds of soju every night. I have been sleeping and drinking tons of water for the last two days, and think I could do so for another week before feeling normal again.
Many of the teachers in Korea looked unhappy. Teachers get paid well, but work long hours (14-16 a day, 6 days a week). The society is fairly racist/xenophobic and sexist (I don't mean to dwell on the negative; there are also many positive aspects of Korean culture as well). The stress over a long period of time really seems to get to people. Getting out of Macau and it's own culture-specific difficulties was really nice for a change, but I saw it wearing thin on local teachers.
I had a lovely lunch today with my bosses. I really like them personally, and I feel like quite a brat for being unhappy with certain aspects of my job. Still, I think it's fair to feel unhappy if I'm not given any work, have no communication with others at MPI, and have no control over the activities I am expected to be responsible for. My moods the last couple of months have alternated between boredom, anger, and feeling guilty becuase of the first two emotions.
you know what's missing from those moods? feeling like the, because that's how just knowing you makes me feel!