Friday, April 9, 2010

Cool thing

Hi Holly,

I am Sammi(see you again).Now I have the other subject' s writting hw(American studies, I major in Translation C to E)

It is an essay (about 1000 to 1500 words) and i want to show you my outline first. pls give me some suggestions and correction.

The topic is African Americans in US society today‏

Sammy Vong


Hi Sammi,

It looks good. A couple of things that may be helpful:

1) While racism in the US today is not necessarily overt, some argue that it is 'institutional,' i.e. effectively created by subtle biased systems:

2) I don't think that Obama is an example of racism; he's actually a counter-example. People like Obama, Colin Powell, Clarence Thomas, Condoleeza Rice in politics or men like Stanley O'Neal in finance are examples of black people in America reaching the highest positions of power and leadership. The cultural importance of people like Tiger Woods (who succeeded in a very white, very upper-class sport) and Oprah (the world's wealthiest black person) should also not be ignored.

Overt racism in America has become (for the most part) socially unacceptable. This means that while people rarely make pejorative statements about blacks or other minorities in public or make openly discriminatory policies, this doesn't prevent them from racist thoughts and attitudes. To a certain extent, for most people,being 'anti-racist' just means being against racism in principle, and perhaps only superficially. This explains why companies choose minority of female CEOs, but other executive roles may only be 1 or 2% females or minorities. The real question for America right now is just how far we should go in correcting past injustices and the effects of institutional racism - which is why policies like affirmative action are so hotly debated.

Send me your draft when you are finished!



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